
If you are like the average American you are probably not 100% sure exactly what you are voting for, or simply do not vote at all. Most Americans are not entirely sure what the differences are between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.

Puzzled over hearing Democrats and Republicans make the exact same claims? Confused over the fact that both sides claim to be better for the economy, security, and health of this country? Tired of both sides blaming every problem on the other?

Here, we ignore political promises, “opinion” based news programs, and the opinions of millions of people on social media. We only offer data, not excuses. If you do not approve of the figures from one party, get them to fix what they are doing wrong rather than offering excuses. Or better yet, vote for the party you think does the better job. Trust the data, not the promises.

The Problem:

America is basically a two-party system filled with people who are willing to tell you anything in order to get your vote.

The few Americans who consider themselves to be “politically aware” are usually the least “politically aware” people and often just make the whole thing more confusing as they offer incorrect information.

In short, it is next to impossible to truly know anything about American politics other than it’s mostly propaganda. When people tell you what is going to happen with “this” president, they are guessing.

The Solution:

Rather than go by “promises” or listen to other people “guess” what each administration will do, here we look back and see what each party actually did. It’s really easy to speculate about the future, but the past is set in stone. By tracking the history of each party, we can create an educated prediction of what each party will bring in the future. This is insanely accurate. With this data, we have been able to predict future welfare, unemployment, deficit, you name it. With each new election, we can accurately predict the changes in these rates by the end of that presidency.

How We Do This:

Rather than listen to both parties claim they are the best at everything, we simply look at the data, cross reference it with each party, and then we are able to see what each party actually does. All of our data is unbiased and propaganda free. Simply numbers.

Since about 1940, the USA has kept meticulous records that are available to anybody and everybody. Nowadays, most people don’t bother to look up this data, they are perfectly content with what they read on social media or hear on TV. This is where we come in! This page only contains data, no excuses or propaganda. Here you can see the data and make up your own mind.

Now we are sure each party will try to defend and deflect the figures. However, it’s your choice whether you want to buy into these excuses, or simply go with the numbers. There are already plenty of sites with propaganda and misinformation available. We are providing a place that just deals with the facts.

Who are we for?:

If you are a fan of a particular sports team and you look at their official scores, those numbers may make you angry, you may even want to believe they are fake or believe your team was “cheated” out of better numbers. You are better off going to that team’s website than going to the official website for that entire sport. This is not a “team” website. We just put all the actual information from the official government records.

Likewise, if you already have made up your mind to love or hate one party, then you are better off going to one of the many websites that will tell you exactly what you want to hear. If however, you have no bias and have an open mind and are genuinely just curious to see what the actual differences in each party are (if there are any at all), then this is the perfect place.

And yes, we already know the arguments some people will have. “Well THEIR team fakes all those records when they are in office”, but this is a silly argument. Why then did YOUR team not fix them when they were in office? If you believe that one party is faking numbers to make the other look bad and the party that looks bad also keeps those numbers faked to make them look bad, this again is not the site for you.

The Data

This site is intended to be easy to follow. We do not list long detailed sheets of data, you can go to the government records sites to see all of that. We take information from those sites, place them into nice, organized charts, and show you in a much easier way.

For most of this, we keep it simple. We just track the data when a politician took office and when they left. We know that the data will have gone up and down during their time in office, but we look at it like this:
“We put you in charge of the business, here was the state of that business when we handed it to you, here was the state of that business when you handed it back.”

Depending on your personal views, you can then decide for yourself, if you believe the nation was better or worse at the end of that term.

All of our data comes from official government records and the U.S. census site. We track data from Roosevelt to the end of the last presidency. Americans tend to vote one party and then the other back and forth so our data is pretty evenly split between each party. Most times we have an even number of Democrats and Republicans in our data.

If you wish to dig deeper into the data shown here, you can find the information below…